Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who You Callin' a Preemie?

Today marks a mini-milestone for Corbin.  This will be the first day that he gets "normal" breastmilk and formula without me fortifying it (having to add extra calories to it so that he would fatten up more quickly).  It's a small victory yet still a reminder to Ben and me how far our Corbin has come in four months.

The doctors took Corbin and Hudson 6 weeks early because during an ultrasound they discovered that Corbin had stopped growing around the 30 weeks gestational mark, thus why he was so much smaller than Hudson.  He was 3 pounds 1 ounce when he was born and dropped to 2 pounds 10 ounces a few days later.  For the first month of his life, Corbin closely resembled Benjamin Button (at the beginning of the movie).  You may think it's terrible that I think that was his look-alike, but don't forget what Benjamin Button looked like in the middle of the movie . . . Brad Pitt at his prime.  Yes, Corbin might very well be as adorable as Brad one day.  :)

Need I say  more . . .

Even though it's only been 4 months, it's hard to believe he was that small.  Corbin is now 12 pounds, quadruple his birth weight.  And though he doesn't look like the suave and handsome Mr. Pitt quite yet, he sure does look healthy and cute!

Corbin at a few days old:

 Corbin more recently:


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