Thursday, January 19, 2012

Poetry According to Hudson and Corbin

January is a pretty drab month.  Christmas is over, and dark, chilly days still lurk ahead.  To combat the winter blues during my five years of teaching language arts, I would always save my favorite unit of the year for January: poetry. 

And yes, I can hear your groans through my computer's speakers.  The groans that remind me so much of my classroom full of squirrelly poetry-hating students.  But, just as I told my students year after year, so I will say to you: poetry can be fun.  Seriously. 

So, as an ode to my previous days as a teacher and as a way to battle through this cold winter day, I've created two poems that I envision coming from the brains of my 13-month-olds.  And in the dreary days to come, the boys will continue to add poetry to their collection.  :)   

Here goes:

Reflections of the Winter Season: Part One
By Corbin, Hudson, and Mommy

A Limerick: "Our Horsey"

For our birthdays we got a horse
We love to ride it of course
It rides so fast
What a blast
'Til we fall because of the force

"If We Were in Charge of the World" (structure of poem created by Judith Viorst)

If we were in charge of the world
We'd cancel naptime,
Doctor's visits,
And days when Daddy has to go to work

If we were in charge of the world
We'd get to spend more time with our grandparents and cousins
We'd have two of every toy in the house
And we'd fill every room with a thousand bouncy balls

If we were in charge of the world
We wouldn't have long car rides
We wouldn't have cold milk
We wouldn't have food that has to be chewed
Or parents that take photos of us in our diapers with stupid looking hats
We wouldn't even have photos

If we were in charge of the world
We would get boxes full of tissue paper for Christmas presents
Our parents would still let us drink from a bottle at mealtimes
And two guys who sometimes forget to nap
And sometimes forget to sit still in Mommy's lap
Would still be allowed
To be in charge of the world