Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring is Here! Time to End Our Poetry Career!

My flip flops have already made an appearance, and my cheeks are rosy from the a long walk with the boys.  But as one last ode to winter, the boys wrote two final poems.  For the next several months, they'll be trading their pens and paper for swings and pools.  But who knows--maybe they'll restart their poetry careers next winter . . .
A Letter Poem by Corbin John

Dear Hudson

You probably know
That as of late
I've become Mommy's little handful
I once was easy going and barely made a peep 
But now I climb anything in sight and pretend that I don't understand the word "no"
And when I don't get my way
I bite the first thing I see
Even if that first thing is your blonde little head

But don't worry
I'll keep reminding Mommy
That even though I have more energy at the moment
You are still light years more dramatic than me

So keep up those boisterous, biting wails
Keep hyperventilating when you barely get bonked in the head
And keep demanding to be picked up every time something doesn't go your way

Trust me
I don't mind
I have my good reputation to win back



Our Pet Rats by Hudson Calvin

Most grandparents give a gift of a bear
To show how much they do care
But Poppy is tons more creative
And got us something so innovative

One day he went shopping to Ikea
And "Ah hah!" had a brilliant idea
He saw two stuffed Swedish rats
And thought, "The boys must have that!"

So as most kids are snuggling with a blankie
Or cuddling their puppy when cranky
We're hugging our animals with rabies
What a perfect gift for two babies!